

Many years of experience and expert knowledge are the best protection for your photovoltaic system.

Benefit from our many years of experience in the field of PV services.

As a manufacturer-independent expert company, we offer solar module manufacturers, distributors or operators as well as insurers of photovoltaic systems a comprehensive service in the field of quality monitoring of larger photovoltaic systems.

Our PV services include professional monitoring, diagnosis and analysis, troubleshooting, maintenance, repair and refurbishment of your photovoltaic systems as well as the procurement of spare parts.

We are also the right contact for the preparation of PV system reports. The assessment is carried out exclusively by certified experts for photovoltaics. Our independence from manufacturers guarantees neutral tests and assessments.

We work closely with very experienced partner companies. Thus you receive all services completely from one source. This ensures short reaction times and minimizes the risk of failure.

Expert Team:



Michael Beer

- Owner of the company Photovoltaik-Service Beer - 

State-certified electrical engineer and master electrician; Member of standards working groups AK 221.5.2 "PV systems" and FNN PG "Generation systems on the low-voltage grid".

Photovoltaic expert with professional experience in the solar industry since 1998 and certified expert for photovoltaics (TÜV-Rheinland)

Since 2018: International Master Craftsman (Examination: HWK Rhein-Main)



Tino Lübeck

- Certified expert for photovoltaics (TÜV-Rheinland) -

State-certified economic technician, motor vehicle master craftsman, electrician: Area of expertise: Electro mobility (high-voltage stage 3) and charging infrastructure in the car dealership

Many years of international experience in the training and sale of products requiring technical explanation and in the planning of PV systems.


Henrik Steinhage

- IT system administrator –

Responsible for the monitoring of the plants

Many years of professional experience in quality management



Service Call

+49 (0)6421 - 49 92 570

+49 (0)152 - 21 98 90 07



Michael Beer - TÜV Rheinland certified expert since 2012

TÜV Zertifikat

Specialist company of the electrical guild

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Specialist company for electromobility

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