

Typical damage that occurs more frequently in photovoltaic systems

Hagelschaden mit Glasbruch Hail damage to photovoltaic system

Determination by inspection or photography with high tripod

Elektrolumizenzmessung Zellschaden Cell damage and contact defects

Determination with electrolumizen method (EL)

Blitzschaden Lightning damage
Wassereintritt durch Modulundichtigkeit Water ingress due to module leakage
loetkontaktfehler 320px Solder contact error

Increased resistance causes visible brown spots.

pid 320aktuell PID (potential-induced degradation)

The term "PID" refers to product defects that lead to a drop in performance without visible damage to the PV module on the outside.

Such yield-reducing damage can be determined, for example, by power measurement in combination with EL or IR measurements (see left).

Elektrolumenizenz Beginn einer PID Start of a PID (potential-induced degradation)


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