We prepare independent expert opinions for your photovoltaic system. Our expert opinions are prepared by TÜV-certified experts. This ensures you competence and quality.
As experts for photovoltaic systems, we recognize every error as well as all defects and damage to solar systems.
We provide you with a detailed photovoltaic expert opinion for the following areas:
- Yield reports
- Damage reports for the enforcement of warranty claims against manufacturers
- Judicial opinions
Yield reports
A yield report already makes sense at the planning stage of a photovoltaic system in order to assess whether a location is also suitable from an economic point of view. To this end, we carry out shadowing analyses, yield simulations and profitability calculations. In the case of existing PV systems, we carry out a yield analysis in order to prepare a yield report on the basis of objective measured values.
Damage reports
In the event of damage, we assess your photovoltaic system by expertly analysing and evaluating the damage. We will prepare a detailed damage report for you, which you can use to enforce your warranty claims against manufacturers, insurance companies or other third parties. We will also be happy to advise you on professional communication with your negotiating partners.
Court opinions
If an amicable settlement is no longer possible and the facts must be clarified in court, we will prepare a professional court report for you.
Under references you will find an excerpt of our PV expert opinions prepared so far.